Quality Account 2022-2023
Part One
- Foreword and Statement on Quality from the Board
- Introducing the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) Quality Account
- What is a quality account and what does it mean to EEAST and the public we serve?
- Our current quality position
- Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Department of Health quality indicators
- NHS number and General Medical Practice Code validity
- Clinical coding error rate
- Data quality
- Data Security Protection Toolkit
- Statement of accountability: Chief Executive Officer, Tom Abell
Part Two
Part Three - Review of 2022/2023
Welcome to the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust Quality Account for 2022/23 . This document has been approved by the Trust Board and is an accurate account of the level of quality of service provided to patients. In developing this Quality Account, we have set out a summary of achievements for 2022/23 and goals for 2023/24 as mandated within the regulatory guidance.
Improving quality is an overarching priority of the Trust and this report lays out plans for developing future services to improve the quality and safety of patient care and patient outcomes.
In order to help do this, the Quality Account is based on data from a range of sources.
Further information about us and our achievements can be found in our Annual Report.
Assurance for quality and safety is given to the Trust Board by the Quality Governance Committee which is in turn informed by our Compliance and Risk Group. Underpinning the Compliance and Risk Group are a number of groups which cover the multiple aspects of our service including; risk management, patient safety, medicines management, safeguarding, infection prevention and control, medical devices and patient experience.
Information on all groups and how other factors contribute to this such as Healthwatch, internal audit and regulatory inspections can be found on page 64.
Contributions to this document
All Integrated Care Boards (ICB) including Ipswich and East Suffolk ICB (the lead commissioner), HealthWatch groups and the regions health overview and scrutiny committees (HOSCs) have been asked to provide a commentary on the provision of our quality and care to include within this document and can be found from page 65.
Where can you get hold of this document?
This Quality Account is available on the Trust website or write to: East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust Headquarters, Whiting Way, Melbourn, Cambridgeshire SG8 6EN Tel: 0845 601 3733
If you require this document in another format or language, please contact our Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) on 0800 028 3382 or by emailing feedback@eastamb.nhs.uk