Participation in research
Clinical research is an important function within the NHS, bringing benefits to patients, clinicians, and NHS trusts. High quality research activity provides evidence for new ways of delivering care, as well as preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions. Many patients want to take part in research, the findings result in better treatment for patients, involvement in research helps clinicians to understand evidence and use this in their clinical practice, and research-active trusts tend to attract more forward-looking clinical staff.
The EEAST Research Support Service (RSS) works with academic and other health and social care partners regionally and nationally to develop, support, deliver and promote research as a core part of service provision. RSS has worked hard to ensure that patients and staff have a wide range of opportunities to participate safely in relevant pre-hospital ambulance research.
During 2022/23 EEAST recruited 654 participants (patients and NHS staff) into 9 high quality research studies approved by a Research Ethics Committee, all of which were National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Portfolio pieces of work, and 2 were EEAST sponsored studies as follows:
- Use of blood ketone meters to improve ambulance hyperglycaemia care: a feasibility study (KARMA2 - EEAST sponsored). Study is in write-up with findings to follow. (n=194)
- A mixed-methods study of female ambulance staff experiences of the menopause transition (CESSATION - EEAST sponsored). Study complete and findings have been shared with all UK Ambulance Services. Publications and conference presentations to follow. (n=12)
- Should I stay or should I go: NHS staff retention post COVID-19. This study is on-going. (n=223)
- Cardiac Arrest Decision Making study - REACT2. (n=128)
- Medication route in cardiac arrest - PARAMEDIC3. This study is on-going. (n=64)
- Prehospital feedback study - PRE-FEED DIARY. (n=16)
- SEE-IT Good Sam App for Clinical Triage. This study is on-going. (n=9)
- Triage of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury Study. (n=6)
- Co-producing an Ambulance Trust national fatigue management system - CATNAPS. This study is on-going. (n=2).
Further information is available here Research Support Services. EEAST has a reputation for successful development and delivery of high-quality research. Such continued participation in clinical research has demonstrated the Trusts on-going commitment to improving the quality of care offered and contributing to wider health improvement.