Priority One - Patient safety
Priority | Why we have chosen this priority | What we are trying to improve | What success will look like |
Embedding the Learning from Deaths programme. | To improve the quality of care delivered to service users, both when things go well and when things could have been done differently. | The use of reviewing real cases to learning from and improve care delivery. | A robust review process in place to ensure improvements in the delivery of care and a reduction in harm to patients. |
Embedding the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework into the organisation. | Embed the principles of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework to further improve our ability to learn from incidents. | All aspects of our service, including the care delivered to our services users, our ability to respond quickly, as well as corporate functions | Improvement in relation to lessons learned and implemented actions leading to a reduction of current trends of incidents. |
Implementation of a Continuous Improvement Assurance Framework (CIAF). | We are committed to continually improve the quality and safety of our service for both patients and staff and Risks, internal audit, CQC recommendations and recognise that triangulation of a number of outcomes and drivers are required. | Compliance with the Health and Social Care Act and Fit for the Future plan. | An overarching framework linking CQC recommendations, improvement plan actions, audit programmes and processes including internal audit and our identified risks to undertake monitoring, identify good practice and further areas for improvement. |
How we will monitor progress: Monthly Board reports detailing Learning from Deaths data and through the Patient Safety and Experience Group with progress reported bi-monthly to the Quality Governance Committee. | |||
Responsible lead: Melissa Dowdeswell, Director of Nursing, Quality and Improvement | |||
Date of completion: 31 March 2024 |