Data security protection toolkit
Data Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is an online self-assessment tool that allows organisations to measure their performance against the National Data Guardians ten data security standards. All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use this toolkit to provide assurance that they are practising good data security and that personal information is handled correctly. The DSPT also provides the Trust with a means of reporting data breaches and data security incidents.
Following the delayed national submissions in previous years, the 2022/23 assessment submissions continued to have the deadlines of February 2023 for the baseline submission and June 2023 for the final submission.
The Trust submitted the baseline assessment on the 28 February 2023 where 82 of the mandatory evidence items were met. The Information Governance team hold frequent meetings which concentrate on gaps where evidence is needed to complete a mandatory item.
The Trust has currently completed 84 of the 113 mandatory evidence items, with 8 out of 36 assertions confirmed and are working towards completing the final standards by the 30 June submission. Progress against these outstanding areas will be monitored through our Information Governance Group and assurance provided to the Trust Board through our Audit Committee. The Trust will strive to meet all the mandatory items to be assessed as Standards Met.
Due to the Trust submitting last years assessment as Approaching Standards, there is an improvement plan (with one item) which is currently monitored by NHS England (previous NHS Digital) and the Trusts internal assurance groups. This evidence item on the improvement plan is: 3.2.1 At least 95% of all staff, have completed their annual Data Security Awareness Training in the last twelve months Currently the Trust is at 88%, weekly and monthly reports are reviewed by the Executive team, with the Learning and Development team sending reminders to those who are non-compliant to help increase compliance. Once the item has been met, the Trusts status will change to Standards Met.