People Committee Assurance Report
Meeting: Public Board
Date: 08.11.2023
Report Title: People Committee Assurance Report
Agenda Item: 3.2
Committee Date 27.09.23
Meeting Chair: Wendy Thomas, Non-Executive Director
Meeting quorate YES
Purpose: Assurance
Recommendation: The Board is asked to: Receive assurance from the business discussed at the meeting and to review the matters for escalation and referral
Link to Strategic Objective
- Be an exceptional place to work, volunteer and learn
- Provide outstanding quality of care and performance
Summary of Items Considered at the Meeting
All Women EEAST Staff Support Network Update
- Consideration: The All Women EEAST Network has been running for many years and is a well-established group. The Committee heard from Beth Owen and Sharvari Alape, who have recently been appointed as joint Chairs of the Network.The Committee heard that at a recent awards ceremony 95% of the awards were for young women and we need to better understand their support needs to ensure they continue to flourish and grow - this will be a priority. Expect the finalised breastfeeding policy and menopause guidance coming soon. The Chairs confirmed that they were aware of the inclusivity plan and had been involved in the development of the new uniform going forward.
- Resolution/Outcome: George Lynn, NED, has experience of setting up and supporting a women's network in a previous role and agreed to meet with Beth, Sharvari and Kate Vaughton, Executive sponsor to offer help and support in the future. A workshop is planned with all Network Chairs for the end of October.
- Assurance: Moderate
Integrated Strategy, Culture and Education report
- Consideration: Of particular note:
- Appraisals remain below target & it is essential that our staff have the opportunity for meaningful discussions with their manager. Implementing Time to Lead will enable this.
- Clinical skills training at between 68-90% is not good enough. Resuscitation Training Officers have been appointed and we need to develop career pathways.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted that there is continued progress across a majority of the Strategy, Education and Culture focused metrics. The areas highlighted need further attention.
- Assurance: Moderate
- Consideration: The Committee considered the data provided and noted that the priority areas for the future are to address the number of people with disabilities who are shortlisted & those with a disability who go through the formal disciplinary process. Reasonable adjustments policy is in draft form and expect to see approval by end Q3. The Committee agreed that whilst this is an NHSE requirement, the inclusivity plan is far more meaningful for EEAST and there is a need to bring evidence-based changes that will move the dial on the key metrics for the future.
- Resolution/Outcome: The 2023/24 annual report and plan was approved and it was agreed to share this information with the ICBs by 31/10/23 (to be presented to the Private Board meting on 11/10/23)
- Assurance: Moderate
Gender Pay Gap
- Consideration: The Committee noted that the Pay Gap action plan has 17 objectives (included in the inclusivity plan) and 26 actions (many of which are already being worked on). Key areas to address for the coming year are cross referencing the action we take to support women during pay negotiations (especially on appointment to a new role) That the organisations monitors the Protected Characteristics and to assess the TRAC applications to understand why women withdraw from the interview process. The Committee agreed that more work is needed to understand this improvement and take action to continue to address inequalities.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted that despite there being much more to do in this area the gap during this financial year has reduced to 7.2% when last year's gap was 11.9%
- Assurance: Moderate
The Appraisal Process - Digital Future
- Consideration: The Committee noted that the appraisal process was simplified in July 22 in response to feedback from staff. However, this is still a manual & time-consuming process. This contributes to the poor appraisal rates seen in the IPR. The Committee were advised that a procurement exercise had identified 3 preferred providers and the work with the preferred bidder was to start in October 23.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the preferred supplier agreed by the ELT to provide a digitalised appraisal system that links to the Electronic Staff Record via a direct link. This will be implemented by April 2024.
Integrated People Services Report
- Consideration: The Committee noted that turnover continues to fall, PTS and Make-Ready Teams are the exception. ER cases are reducing and sickness currently 8.05%, which is close to target. The Department are involved in a significant amount of change projects and this is proving challenging, as are the recruitment targets In the workforce plan - working in partnership with LAS on this. 13 weeks taken for time to hire and need to reduce this to target of 6 weeks for the future. Sickness, disability and reasonable adjustment cases are all reducing in number, which is encouraging. Retention rates for the 21/22 year were 9.6% and for 22/23 were 15.32% which is encouraging.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the continued excellent progress across all the people focused metrics, noted that turnover continues to fall, people are staying in post longer and that the organisation remains a Paramedic pipeline for the NHS.
- Assurance: Substantial
Internal Audit Report Into Wellbeing
- Consideration: Further to the deep dive into well being at the last Committee and the draft Internal Audit report being shared at that meeting, The Committee noted the final report presented that gave a finding of Limited Assurance. The Committee was pleased to see the agreed action plan to address the recommendations outlined.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Internal Audit report was noted, as was the fact that a re-audit will be conducted in February 2024. A new manager has recently commenced in post.
- Assurance: Limited
Health and Safety Update
- Consideration: This had been an area of concern for the Committee for some time. This month a comprehensive report providing assurance on the action taken to date and outstanding actions required within the next 3 years identified that the actions outstanding represent a low level of risk to the organisation. The areas of non-compliance relates to the updating of risk assessments & the implementation of actions as a result, along with the training of staff on dealing with risk.
- Resolution/Outcome: Whilst there are areas of action still needed there is a robust action plan in place to address the risk posed and the Committee were therefore assured on the mitigation in place. This will continue to be monitored by the Committee in the future.
- Assurance: Moderate
Transformation Programme Board - Highlight Report
- Consideration:
The Committee noted highlights from:
- Time to Lead: The risk with this programme is the temporary disruption to the structure of the organisation. New team leaders need to be aligned to the clinical strategy but as the programme progresses we need to ensure we do not create gaps in other parts of the service.
- Culture Programme: There are deep-rooted behaviours and this will take time to change.
- People Strategy & People Services Development: challenging workforce targets.
- Planning & Resourcing Programme: Business case to outline opportunity to link rostering to vehicle, and to staff/bank staff. Phase 1 is complete, phase 2 just started and this will involve pilot to centralise scheduling& integrating bank workers (Oct 23- Jan 24) Year 2 will start to change the way staff access and book annual leave & overtime (currently manual) opportunity for efficiency and cost saving.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Committee noted the progress of the Trusts Fit for the Future portfolio and were pleased with progress reported on the 4 programmes that report to the People Committee.
- Assurance: Moderate
Board Assurance Framework
- Consideration: The Committee were assured that risks were being mitigated although the risks for the Committee remain high. A discussion was held and the Committee agreed this is the correct rating given that EEAST is a people organisation, we are going through a period of leadership development and we have a need to maintain essential and developmental clinical skills.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Committee agreed to keep strategic risks 1A and 1B under review.
- Assurance: Moderate
Group Assurance Report
- Consideration: The Committee noted the reports of the sub committees of the Clinical Reference Group for triangulation on the key risk areas.
- Assurance: Moderate
People Committee IPR
- Consideration: The Committee considered the metrics presented as a way of receiving assurance on the Committees effectiveness for the future. It was agreed that clear measures were to be visible with exception reporting and annual review.
- Resolution/Outcome: The Committee was advised that these metrics would be worked up for a demonstration at the next meeting in November.