Health and Safety
Body worn cameras were introduced in some areas. There was a programme to roll this out this across the Trust as part of a national pilot programme.
The safety team provided support to colleagues who were subject to violence, and also liaised with police forces.
Health and safety
In the past 12 months, the health, safety and security team introduced a programme of assurance visits to all sites across the Trust. The visits combined an inspection of the sites, in line with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, coaching the local managers in their responsibilities and liaising with fire officer and estates teams.
A bi-monthly meeting of the health, safety and wellbeing group, reviews health, safety and security incidents and reports from estates, fire safety and wellbeing. Findings were reported to the people committee, as necessary.
Incident reporting reduced in 2022/23 in comparison with the previous two years, across all categories, following a sustained period of increase for the previous four years. Vehicle accidents were managed using a different system and are only considered as health and safety related, if harm to a person was sustained.
Better engagement improved understanding of causes of harm and actions being completed to avoid future injury.
The table (above) shows the number and type of incident over the past six years.
Reports under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) during the past 12 months showed a return to within a normal range of reported incident numbers.
The table (above) shows the number of Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
An external health and safety review undertaken in 2022 was repeated in 2023. This review showed improvements in the management of health and safety for the Trust in the intervening period. The review identified some actions required to make further improvements. This included a focus on the need to improve the collation of risk assessments, and work commenced to support this development. The health, safety and wellbeing group and people committee had oversight of the plan to address the issues.