During 2022, the safeguarding team completed its second safeguarding patient voice survey, providing feedback from patients over the age of 18 who had consented to a safeguarding referral. For example, a referral to social care, the fire and rescue service for safe and well checks, GP for additional support, mental health services, falls teams, or other healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists etc.
Listening to patient feedback enabled us to identify what was working well but also highlighted areas for service improvement.
During 2022/23, a patient safeguarding survey was sent out, to obtain feedback from patients who had consented to a safeguarding referral (like mental health services, falls team, GP, local authorities and the fire and rescue service).
Safeguarding training
- Level 1 - Safeguarding Training
- Level 2 - Safeguarding Training
- Level 3 - Safeguarding Training (on course to reach target by 2024)
- BPAT - Basic Prevent Awareness Training
- WRAP - Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent
This feedback, from the patient voice survey, indicated that our safeguarding service is having a positive impact.
Over the last year, the safeguarding team continued to support and deliver robust safeguarding services across the Trust. This has been achieved by continuing to expand our core services as well as the development and improvement of new services. During the last year EEAST:
Reviewed and updated Level 1, 2 and introduced level 3 training packages.
Exceeded the 90% compliance target for levels 1 and 2 Safeguarding training as well as basic prevent awareness training (BPAT) and workshop to raiseawareness of prevent (WRAP).
Delivered over 45 virtual level 3 training sessions to more than 1,000 coleagues - demonstrating the Trust is on target to be fully compliant with its 90% target by April 2024. (The cohort requiring level 3 training had increased significantly over the year, and included all registrants from about 70 to almost 2,000 colleagues).
Reviewed and introduced significant changes to the single point of contact (SPOC) pathways - the method of referral available 24/7 to our colleagues.
Introduced the child protection information system (CPIS) with a requirement to check the CPIS record prior to discharging on scene for any male 18 years, or younger, and any female 60 years, or younger.
Scoped in excess of 4,500 multi agency risk assessment conferences (MARAC) cases in partnership working with local authorities.