Our Equality Networks
We recognise the importance and value of having equality networks and we are committed to creating a more diverse and inclusive organisation.
We recognise the benefits that equality networks bring to our staff, volunteers and service users and the support they provide.
We are proud to have six established networks here at EEAST.
All Women in EEAST Network (AWE)
The All Women in EEAST Network supports improved experience within the workplace with a focus on gender and those issues impacting women at work. By tackling gender inequality and discrimination the Trust can be a better place to work and provide better patient care and experience to the communities we serve.
Black, Minority Ethnicity Network (BME)
The Black and Minority Ethnicity Network works with the Trust to utilise the skills and resources of its black, asian and minority ethnic colleagues and volunteers to add value to the organisation and make EEAST a great place to work.
Disability Support Network (DSN)
The Disability Support Network acts as a supportive group, not only for our colleagues with disabilities whether visible or invisible, but for anyone who supports someone with a disability, be it a colleague, family member or friend. They also welcome anyone who is interested in just finding out more about visible or invisible disabilities.
LGBT+ Network
The EEAST LGBT+ Staff Network brings together a large number of EEAST staff and volunteers who either identify as LGBT+ or are allies to the community and want to do more to support and learn. We have an executive and non-executive sponsor and work closely with EEAST’s Equality Diversity and Inclusion team and People Services directorate.
The network also links in closely with the National Ambulance LGBT+ Network and other EEAST staff networks to align workstreams, share best practice and learn from each other.
EEAST’s LGBT+ Staff Network meets online on a quarterly basis and in person at numerous Pride events across the East of England. These events are crucial for us to connect staff and volunteers, engage with our local communities, discuss recruitment opportunities and promote service use and health promotion messages.
The network leads continue to work on a number of actions which have been formed from feedback via staff surveys and patient experience. The network has been involved in policy creation and reviews, changes to our clinical reporting and data capture and shares training and literature from the National Network to line managers, support services and those involved in patient care.
Anyone wanting to become more involved in EEAST’s LGBT+ Staff Network can email lgbt@eastamb.nhs.uk
Men's Wellbeing Network
The Men's Wellbeing Network aims to provide support and raise awareness of issues impacting mens wellbeing at work, while combating harmful stereotypes that perpetuate a culture of reluctance to express any concerns or ask for help. It is a safe space for men and those who identify as men, to share experiences and talk about issues around their mental wellbeing.
Multi-Faith Network
The Multi-Faith Network works together to support colleagues of all beliefs and aims to raise awareness of different faiths throughout the Trust. Some faiths also have their own staff groups, which link in with the Multi-Faith Network.