Trust Chair and Non-Executive Report
Meeting: Public Board
Date: 08.11.2023
Report Title: Trust Chair and Non-Executive Report
Agenda Item: 1.5
Author: Mrunal Sisodia, Trust Chair
Lead Director: Mrunal Sisodia, Trust Chair
Link to strategic risk(s):
- SR1a: If we do not ensure our people are safe and their wellbeing prioritised, there is a risk that we will be unable to attract, retain and keep all our people safe and well
- SR1b: If we do not ensure our leaders are developed and equipped, there is a risk that we will not be able to change our culture, and value, support, develop and grow our people
- SR2: If we do not deliver operational and clinical standards then there is a risk of poor patient outcomes and experience
- SR3: If we do not ensure we have the ability to plan, influence and deliver across our systems to secure change, we will not be able to meet the needs of our public and communities
- SR4: If we do not resolve long standing organisational inefficiencies we will be unable to deliver an effective, sustainable, value for money service to our public
- SR5: If we do not clearly define our strategic plans we will not have the agility to deliver the suite of improvements needed
- SR6: If we do not deliver sustainable regulatory compliance and develop positive relationships, we will have limited ability to deliver our strategy
Equality impact assessment: No negative impact identified
Recommendation Report for noting.
Purpose To update the Public and the Board on Chair and Non-Executive Director activity since the last Public Board meeting.
Executive summary
Report identifies:
- Key areas of board focus since the last report
- Key areas of board focus in the coming months.
- Non-executive director additional activities providing wider assurance and Board visibility.
- Key activities by the Chair since the last Board
There are three key areas of the board's work over the last three months that I would draw to your attention at this point:
1. Operational performance and winter planning
Since September, the board has had a standing agenda item on our preparations for winter. The winter plan is a working document, constantly being updated and the board has and will be receiving updates on status throughout the period. We have been reviewing both the internal and external factors that will impact our winter response. The board has been tracking the key internal inputs that that determine our winter response - these include plans for patient facing staff hours, abstractions, turnover, sickness and training levels. In addition, following the feedback from staff over Spring and Summer, we have introduced new metrics to track fleet status in the same targeted way we have workforce. The external factors, most prominently the set up of unscheduled care hubs and handover delays have been a topic of discussion with our stakeholders (see below). The board has asked a number of key questions about our winter preparedness - for example:
- How have plans evolved from previous years - what is different and what have we learnt?
- What have we done to stress test these plans?
- What additional tactical measures can we take to improve winter performance? We will continue to challenge and scrutinise our winter preparedness.
2. Engagement with stakeholders
In my last report to board, I emphasised the importance of working with our stakeholders across the system - the work of EEAST is inextricably linked to what others in the system are doing and we cannot serve the public of the East of England without driving collaboration. To this end, the Non Executive Directors and I have been meeting with the boards and/or chairs groups of the six integrated care systems we cover. To date we have met with the BLMK, Cambridge and Peterborough, SNEE and MSE systems. We have dates in the diary to meet with Norfolk and Waveney and Herts and West Essex over the next few weeks. Our message has emphasised the progress in setting up unscheduled care community hubs and the impact of hospital handover delays. We have been well received and we have asked their boards to prioritise key deliverables that will improve UEC services for the public in the East of England.
3. Strategy development
One of the key functions of the board is to steer the organisation - to set the direction and pace of travel. I am pleased to say that after a number of tumultuous years, we are in a position to exercise this grip. Following board workshops and sessions we now have a clear set of goals, translated into priorities for the next 2 years that are underpinned by clear strategies. From these, the team have created programme plans, the KPIs and risks registers to shape where we will be in 2 years’ time. Monitoring and driving the organisations progress against these plans will be a priority for the board.
Activities and link to goals
Internal engagement and activity
- Activity:
- Joined the crew of a DSA for a 12 hour shift out of Kempston station.
- Joined the marauding terrorist attack exercise at Old Papworth Hospital.
- Attended a section of the community engagement group (CEG) meeting.
- Attended the Calibre Awards ceremony at Wybosten Lakes.
- Met with deputy directors that I have not yet had the chance to speak with.
- Meeting with Peter Cutler, NHSE Improvement Director
- Regular catch ups with chief executive, executive and non- executive directors.
- Link to goals: well-led improvement
Board/Committee (in addition to regular board and committee meetings)
- Activity:
- Board integration and planning meeting
- Completed the NHSP board development training
- Link to goals: well-led improvement
External governance
- Activity:
- Attended the two day ALF conference in Newport
- Regular meetings with ICS chairs and ICS chairs and leaders meetings - for further details see stakeholder engagement section above
- Meetings with NHSE regional director and COO
- Link to goals: Strategic Goal 3
Activity by other NEDS
- Activity:
- Alison Wigg visited the SNEE unscheduled care community hub, attended the disability support network meeting and visited the SNEE community connect event to join the ICP session on learnings from last winter.
- Wendy Thomas attended a presentation with the MSE ICB following on from which the ICB chair and lead GP are visiting Chelmsford EOC. She also met with the MSE management team at Chelmsford station.
- Catherine Glickman attended the Men’s Wellbeing Network meeting, met with the FTSU team.
- George Lynn visited Bedford EOC, met with the procurement team and met with the DoCAP to discuss data and infomatics.
- Catherine Glickman and George Lynn met with members of the strategy team for a board strategy briefing.
- George Lynn and Chris Brook also attended the NHS NED training sessions in London.
Key issues/risks
Continued impact on patients and staff of operational pressures.
Options and mitigations to be explored via Committee escalations, Integrated Performance Report and Board Assurance Framework.