Matters Arising and Action Tracker
In Public Trust Board Action Tracker for the meeting on 08.11.2023
Provide assurance on essential care skills training compliance
- Reference: 2
- Source (agenda title/item/date/Action Ref): Public Board, 12.07.2023, PUB23/4/30.5, Action Tracker
- Lead: DoSCE
- Due date: 08.11.2023 Review
- Status: Being tracked on IPR for essential care skills. Weekly supervision has been implemented. 6 resuscitation training officer posts have been appointed and would commence over following months. Weekly monitoring is in place at directorate and sector level. All of these actions are beginning to demonstrate incremental improvements but the pace needs to be increased to meet trajectory for full compliance by the end of March 2024.
- Proposed to open/close: Open
FTSU report to be updated to reflect the number of reports raised as a percentage of the number of staff for each area.
- Reference: 5
- Source (agenda title/item/date/Action Ref): Public Board, 12.07.2023, PUB23/4/34.8, FTSU Update
- Lead: FTSUG
- Due date: 08.11.2023
- Status: Item not due yet
- Proposed to open/close: Open
Request consideration on the potential for remunerating volunteers for their time commitments
- Reference: 6
- Source (agenda title/item/date/Action Ref): Public Board, 12.07.2023, PUB23/4/38.7, CEG structure
- Lead: DoI
- Due date: 13.09.2023 08.11.2023
- Status: 13.09.2023: Three options will report to volunteer advisory forum in October. DoI to confirm outputs to Public Board on 08.11.2023.
- Proposed to open/close: Open
Include in IPR metric to reflect the number of calls transferred to other providers for response.
- Reference: 7
- Source (agenda title/item/date/Action Ref): Public Board, 13.09.2023, PUB23/4/57.11, IPR
- Lead: DoCAP
- Due date: 08.11.2023
- Status:
- Proposed to open/close: Open
Communications plan for clinical strategy to be updated to reflect how engagement with staff, stakeholders and the wider health and social care system would be engaged, and this engagement tested.
- Reference: 8
- Source (agenda title/item/date/Action Ref): Public Board, 13.09.2023, PUB23/4/61.6, Clinical Strategy
- Lead: DoSCE
- Due date: 08.11.2023
- Status:
- Proposed to open/close: Open
Request reporting of a training needs analysis in Q2 2023/24
- Reference: 45.16
- Source (agenda title/item/date/Action Ref): Public Board, 09.11.2022, PB22/3/45, integrated performance report
- Lead: DoSCE
- Due date: 08.11.2023
- Status: Verbal update to be provided
- Proposed to open/close: Open
Business Delegated to Committees/ Private Board
Key strategic contracts to be identified and KPIs monitored at committee level
- Reference: 68.4
- Source (agenda title/item/date/Action Ref): Referral to Audit Committee from Public Board, 18.01.2022, PUB22/3/68, Board Assurance Framework
- Lead: DoF
- Due date: 08.11.2023
- Status: Was reported to Audit Committee on 06.09.2023. However, Audit Committee chair has requested this action remain open for further address at the next meeting.
- Proposed to open/close: Open
Consider how improved information could be provided to patients on ambulance response times as part of the operational improvement plan.
- Reference: 62.7
- Source (agenda title/item/date/Action Ref): Referral to Performance and Finance Committee from Public Board, 18.01.2022, PUB22/3/62, Patient Story
- Lead: DoN
- Due date: 08.11.2023
- Status: EEAST already has a text messaging system for patients which is in the development stages, phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 and 3 will include providing patients with text message updates regarding delays/ambulance times etc.23.08.23 Worsening advice text messaging proposal reviewed at EOC Clinical Review Group and not supported due to associated risks.
- Proposed to open/close: